Thursday, April 4, 2013

Nurgle's blessings have been bestowed upon me...

As you've no doubt surmised by the title, I'm sick and as such, its been a fairly miserable week. Anti-biotics among other medications are now in heavy usage, and I sorta feel alive. Only just though.

I had intended to create a background for my new Dark Heresy arbitrator this week, however my imagination more or less curled up and died. Needless to say that didn't happen. I did find on Monday that there is quite a bit of info on his home world of Hilarion (chosen for no other reason than it sounds like 'hilarious'). Not realizing its feudal world rather than an Imperial world, I'll need to go and make a few alterations to his stats. It remains to be seen as to whether I'll be feeling well enough or not to play tomorrow night.

Even the Black Guard's full plate armor really isn't. Stirland's poverty afflicts everyone within its boundaries I guess...

Thus, not much really happened on the hobby front this week. Monday I managed to glue a bunch of washers to bases for my Stirlanders (they have magnetized movement trays) and another rank or so was added to my Black Guard of Morr (Great Swords). At this point I think I have more of them than I can squeeze into a 1000 point army due to the 25% of special units rule (and what a dumb rule that is).

In the event that I return to the realm of the living, then hopefully I'll have something of interest for you next week.



  1. Just goes to show that those really were plague dice last weekend. Made your game sick and you as well. Cleanse them with fire.

  2. You should play a fantasy game sometime XD I know bob and I are trying to get z game in sometime.

  3. Blessings of Nurgle my child, may your snot be bountiful...

  4. May Slaaneesh.excercise the Nurgle right out of you. :)

  5. That's the plan for tomorrow morning...

  6. So the plan is to play fantasy with Edwin while slaneesh is exercising with your bountiful snot?
