Monday, April 8, 2013

Square basers suck!

Nick Nolte and his blunderbuss is still the extent of my artillery.
 lol, that seems to be the general consensus around here anyways. Armies exist (like mine) but there's very little want to play within our group. Still, as always I like the models and a few weeks back picked up another box of Empire militia, and a few Great Swords from ebay. They've fleshed the ranks out nicely I think, as ever though, just one more box of militia ought to do

I'm still rather fond of my Amber Wizard conversion.

Black Guard of Morr (Great Swords) with my Warrior Priest. Like many Empire armies, this unit is the pride of my army.

The Black Guard unit is full, but I still need four more halberders.

The Swordsman's ranks are pretty thin as well. I still have 5 Archers to assemble, and another box ought to give me enough archers to either split into 2 regiments, or 1 regiment and 2 detachments. Note the general's pet miniature griffon in the background.

The full battle line with the Tower of Leichburg in the background. I need to get some foam board out and work on surrounding that tower with a fortified wall. However I'm going to be fairly busy for the rest of this month, thru the middle of May, so that plan might continue to stay on hold.


  1.'re going to make me start working on fantasy again aren't you?

  2. Yup. That will help me 'justify' this boondoggle of an army. Need to get Bob to jump on that bandwagon as well, I think he has Nordlanders out the wazoo!

  3. I could just do daemons, kill two birds with one stone.. I know you miss She Who Milks very much! ;)

  4. I'm not starting anotherFantasy army, but I have the same problem with my Necromunda gang(s).

  5. I finally sold the last remnants of those off a while ago, barring the 1 or 2 models that I use for dark heresy. That said, my chaos cultists would work, and even made me want to play necromunda as I was assembling them.

  6. The chaos cultist are perfect for Necromunda! Voril, which ruleset have you been playing?

  7. I got 1000 point goblin army that I have never gotten to use yet. We need to get more fantasy players.

  8. With the High Elf book coming up quick I just might find myself tinkering with them again. I really like the look of that army a lot.

  9. I have the original rule set for Necromunda.
