Monday, August 10, 2020

A productive week of painting.


Not bad for just one week!

Aside from working on my Inquisitor for Neverness' Enclave challenge, I've also been cranking out minis at an alarming rate (well, for me). No, no, I can assure you that the Ork Bomma is sadly not on this list, and as such hasn't been painted in anyway since my last post that mentioned it. 

The Fem Fa'Tau, v2.

First up, my 'retirement' of the Fem Fa'Tau naturally piqued my painting attentions. I don't want to revisit the prior paint scheme(s), other than to keep the color pink. No, the green test mini from my prior post won't be used for them either, My Beloved Wolfy loathed OD green, probably a holdover from being an 'army wife' in her prior marriage (that mini is instead 'guarding' my desk at work). 

Previously, her cloak was orange.

Instead I took my two Farsight Enclave Tau and added pink to their paint jobs. I'm thinking that'll work. It was quick and easy to paint originally, so they ought to paint up fairly easily. I did opt for the lots of grassy/flowery tufts for their bases though. The Cadre Fireblade not so much, but her base is sculpted. 

The armor plate worn by the one on the left was crafted from Smurf power armor. 

As an homage to the Fem Fa'Tau's original paint scheme, I've decided that the Kroot contingent shall be purple in color. We were both fond of the Kroot minis, despite the fact that they absolutely suck rules-wise. Hell, their piss poor rules offer the most likely chance of their survival in-game, as there are vastly more dangerous units to shoot at! Their bases follow the same method as their Fem Fa'Tau brethren.

They have a very WWI French look about them.

Lastly, I also painted three 'test models' for my forthcoming Astra Militarum Imperial Guard army. These are based the same as my baby squiggoth, so I guess they're Ork fighters...or at least have been shipped to an Ork infested warzone. 

Note the Squad emblems on the bottom of their coats, the wash
seems to puddle there, so may need to move those... 

These are Wargames Atlantic minis, which clock in at $35 for a box of 24 minis. I found 2 on sale, totaling $63 including shipping for 48 minis. To those I added these three that I already had for filling out a survey last year. Were I to have bought the same old, tired Cadians, 50 of them would have clocked in at approximately $150. Up your game GW! Not everybody wants just primaris space marines all of the time!

Anyways, they were painted fairly simply which is kinda required given that I normally can't paint more than FIVE of anything before I lose interest. Whilst individually they don't look all that impressive, hopefully a fully painted horde of them (pause for laughter at that notion) would...


  1. That's more models than I have painted all year...:(

  2. Well you know, if you hadn't decided to become an artist who actually gets paid for his work...

  3. Those Wargames Atlantic models look pretty good. You're right about GW needing to update guard. Imagine how many models they'd sell if they did a new plastic Steel Legion or Death Korps.

  4. These paint jobs all look really good! And I really like all the basing shown here. The Wargames Atlantic figures came out well - the massed effect of this paint scheme would look really nice.

  5. @Blazmo: Exactly! I think that this is the niche that Wargames Atlantic is aiming for. Each box also has something insane-like 100+ head options per box as well, adding further variety to the set.

    @Ragsta: Thank you, thank you! Yes as a painted horde I think they'll look great. Whether or not they actually become a painted horde however...

  6. Good to see the Fem Fa'Tau. I read somewhere that IG haven't been updated in so long because GW think they won't sell. There are too many quality, cheap WWI/WWII minis on the market that you can proxy in. I'm not sure whether that's true but these ones are pretty damn cool.

  7. That's probably true, but I think it's just the standard GW smoke screen, to justify concentrating on marines/Primaris to the virtual exclusion of all else. They refused to update the SoBs for how long because they said they wouldn't sell either, and that clearly wasn't the case.

    It goes without saying that if a miniature range is getting minimal support, and the core minis doesn't change at all in years (repeated price increases aside), then folks will look elsewhere for better ones.
