Someone is always fighting authority somewhere right?
Is vehicular manslaughter a thing in Legion?
Hot of the heels of the arrival of my 2nd hand CIS horde from my last post, I got in another game of Star Wars Legion. My opponent was RJ whom I hadn't met in person up until he arrived for our game. Much to my surprise, he came in bearing a box of rebels for me. Screw the Darkside and their cookies!
My new Rebel recruits are the unpainted minis in back: Luke Skywalker, (2) squads of Rebel troopers as well as a neither pictured nor assembled
Rebel AT-RT.
He had had them knocking around for awhile and said they needed a home and so they were mine. I found out later of that he was looking to get into Battletech, however didn't know where to start. Thus, I'll be passing some of my spare mechs off to him next time I see him.
We played a 500 point skirmish/teaching game as this was only my 2nd game and I last played in November. Clones vs. Rebels (or perhaps just insurgent/dissidents at this point?). I had an officer, a mandalorian (but not the Madalorian), a 10-strong squad of rebels with a Z-6 gunner, another squad of 5 troopers, and a landspeeder with medium blaster and rocket launcher.
RJ had Anakin Skywalker (who I simply referred to as 'the blender'), a single squad of Clone troopers and I think 4, 5-strong squads of ARC troopers. The primary mission was Bunker Assault I think, I have no idea what the secondaries were.
The battlefield with my first squad of Rebels deployed behind a building.
RJ deploying his first squad of ARCs.
The rest of my army waiting in the wings.
My landspeeder moves forward quickly, rounding a wrecked AT-AT and killing 2 ARC troopers
They took offense to that and inflicted 2 wounds to my speeder.
And then the Blender did just that, destroying the speeder.
The Mandalorian moves up taking long ranged potshots with his pistol. This guy has so many rules and upgrades that I forgot to use several during the game.
A lone ARC disengages the Ewoks which speared most of his squad, leaving them open to the Clone troopers who did not believe in plot armor and shot them more or less to pieces.
The Mandalorian drops the retreating ARC trooper, making that the only enemy unit that I wiped out.
Despite heavy casualties, my large blob of rebels had ground another squad of ARCs down to just the leader. Then Anakin arrived and that was that.
On the other side of the board, the ARCs and my smaller squad of Troopers slugged it out for most of the game, with my troopers eventually getting wiped out.
Way out on the flank, Anakin and the ARC Sgt. decide to BS for the rest of the game as there was no way to move in close enough to have anymore positive effect.
The last Ewok makes a glorious (and futile) suicide charge!
Lt. Spike & the remaining ARCs that took out my small squad of troopers, would end the game locked in combat.
My only other survivor, the Mandalorian would likewise end the game sniping back & forth with another ARC unit.
In the end I think the final score was 13-5, resulting in a solid loss for me. That said I had more fun than the last time as I had a better understanding of what was actually going on. While Anakin was unharmed, I took out about half of RJ's clones, putting a good dent in his force. So was not a bad 2nd showing.
Lookis like I need to get to painting on some more Rebels as my almost fully painted army is now a good distance from that point once again.