Thursday, March 25, 2021

My Smurfs are now a slog...


It was inevitable I guess...

I will finish the above minis before I move on to something else. Inquisitor included these will put me at eight painted minis for this army - in a row! That's a little more than my usual average before my mind loses interest in painting the same old colors and wanders off. Real Life™ has been quite busy this past week or so which hasn't helped the Smurf cause either. 

By rights these ought to already be done, with me blogging about my Eldar or perhaps my next (futile) foray into Bolt Action (both or which have recently risen out of the depths to catch my attention once more...), but I digress. I'll press on with these three and hopefully have the whole little painted band set out for a group shot next week for ya's.


neverness said...

Smurfy! Hey, my Ultras are 3rd Co also, cool!

Da Masta Cheef said...

Normally I gravitate towards the 4th battle co.'s color (green), but thought I'd go red this time just for shits & giggles.

neverness said...

And with that new Shiny Uriel Ventris model out there I would've thought 4th Co would've been an easy choice!

Da Masta Cheef said...

Well with Lt. Horridus to lead them, who needs Ventris?