Chill out, I'm not talking about the end of this old blog.
For something a little different for myself, I've decided to do a simple little 40k diorama. Mounted on a 170mm x 92mm textured resin base, and featuring one of the Wargames Exclusive 40k cars (the purchase of which I'm blaming on Zzzzzz). I'll also be using two of the DKK minis from the Kill Team starter set.
The DKK minis presented something of a problem, that being their backpacks. Normally IG backpacks have always been in the 'I want' category, but with the KT set, the omission of said packs leaves a gaping hole in the backs of the guardsmen. As these two will have recently exited the car, it's a bit stupid to think that they first donned their packs before doing so. Thus a little conversion work was needed.
First, using the edge of a sharp knife, I shaved off the pack straps so as to look like the strap instead goes around his neck and under the collar. Rarely having any success with my mortal enemy (green stuff), I instead trimmed down a thin piece of plasti-card (almost feels like plastic paper), and glued it into place. Once dry I then used the blade's edge to file down the card's edge into a smooth transition to the rest of his body.
Conversions complete I then needed to set the mood. Conveniently, the KT sprues have a myriad of options for the arms/weapons of each models, most of which are interchangeable with the others. So it was relatively easy to create the sense of consternation and confusion felt by these two Guardsmen.
The officer, no doubt worried about getting admonished or worse yet executed for arriving late to wherever it is that he was going, is checking his time piece. Whether his pistol is out to 'encourage' his driver to correct his navigational error, or more practically a precaution due to being lost somewhere near the front line is a mystery. His driver meanwhile, frantically scanning both full sized and pocket maps, is pretty much self-explanatory.
Where did you find that base?
That's the auction I got it from. I might still have the business card at home, they're a resin base manufacturer out of the Nashville area.
(pulls up a chair)
You'll have to wait till I'm done with my current batch of smurfs.
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