Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The 1st PHIG heavy weapon squad is complete!


Looks like I painted the rim of that base the wrong shade of green...

I say first as I've ordered another batch of 36 minis here recently, which will give me enough missile teams for a second squad. That or spread 'em out amongst a platoon, I haven't decided yet. Regardless, this gives me my first painted squad for this army! 

I varied up the shades of brown for their leather pouches and kit as well as the autogun's stock. 

Lacking any battlefield detritus for the base, I just opted for some cork-turned-rock bits and a few tufts.

A better view of the varied leather colors. 

Just a quick little post for today as this is the only painting that I've managed to do in the past two weeks or so. 


neverness said...

My Tyranids can appreciate a good leather wrapper, thanks!

Da Masta Cheef said...

lol, being mere humans, I have no illusions about the fact that these guys will die in droves!

Zzzzzz said...

The only good thing to ever come out of Ultramar, is Tigarius' book of nid reciepies.