Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Gorillas? or Guerillas?


This week's diversion...

Fittingly, the squad leader Joe Kaero's armor is more impressive looking (though not anymore effective).

These guys were hard to photograph as they blend well with both the siding of my house, and as you can see the mulch around it.

Their color scheme came out looking good, and was fairly simple.

These minis came from the 2nd Star Schlock Kickstarter which delivered 5 months ahead of schedule (that does actually happen sometimes). Clearly these were modeled after the 1960s-70s Planet of the Apes movies. Sadly, there was no Charlton Heston mini to oppose them. 

What, would you have preferred a pineapple grenade instead? 

Unlike most all running pose mins, this guy has a good contact with his base, and didn't need a strategically place rock or bit on his base for added support.

I really liked these minis when they arrived last week and so I painted them up this past weekend. Star Schlock is a retro styled miniature game, who's rules I know nothing about. Oh by the way, if anyone out there is RPGing Star Trek the Original Series, they have some minis on their site that would be excellent stand-ins for an away team!

I used this screen grab above as a painting guide, and I think these guys came out pretty well as a result.

So what to do with these guys, right? Well, Being armed with rifles, They would work as Iggies, except that there are only (5) of them. After looking thru my indexes, I settled on the Inquisitorial Henchmen datacard, as 2 wound Guardsmen with 3 melee attacks apiece sounded pretty good. I switched out their 'firearms' which are -1 AP bolt pistols for the simple autoguns that these models carry. 

Move over Hogzillaries, the Apes have arrived!

I made these primates an unaligned unit and for unit comp (as Henchmen come is all sorts of weird combos) I opted to go with the base of four grunts & a Jokaero added in to reach five models. Since they are all identically equipped, I discarded all of the Jokaero abilities (and now you know why the leader mini in the 2nd pic was named Joe Kaero). It works, and they clock in at 60 points currently. Don't know if I'll ever use them, but they now have stats and a legal points allotment in the event that I do. 


neverness said...

Haha, cool!
...Do they have a fecal throwing option for close combat?

Da Masta Cheef said...

lol, it has been found that throwing poo has no ill effect on the forces of Nurgle, if anything it encourages them!