I finished off the last two slaves (verminkin) for my Mordheim war band yesterday. They're the two on the left side, back row. Now I just need to set up the wheres and whens to get some practice games in. Several of us (myself included) have played Mordheim in the past, however it's been several years. So its more a case of relearning rather than remembering the rules. My 'alternate' war band's leader is also painted and as quick & easy as the rats are to crank out, I may have all of my extras painted in short order as well (unless I get side tracked again, as would be my usual).
I also finished painting up a a Blood Bowl lineman and....screwed it up (hence the title to this post). He's a casualty of not painting any BB minis in a while. I applied an overall wash of delvan mud, and then realized that that was wrong. On the others I used ogryn flesh, or brown, whatever its called. I tried to sop off as much as possible, and then applied the ogryn wash but the damage was already done. Now lineman #31 is veerrry dark. Yes, there will be some simple green in his future. He'd already be in it, except that I'm currently out of the stuff.
Let me know when you want to tangle over some warp stone, and we'll see what we can make happen...
There must be a Mordheim Renaissance going on? It's being played a great deal at my local GW store. Nice looking vermin you have there...
I'd also like to point out in the beginning of paragraph two you missed a golden opportunity to use the phrase, "aw rats!"...
@neverness: Hmmm, don't think this week will work, maybe sometime next week? How long before you head outta town again?
@The Inner Geek: lol, indeed, that would have worked perfectly!
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