lol, well no, I'll give ya the highlights.
Yes, I'm recycling photos today. |
I never used them before but with 8 including a shadowseer, death jester and a few fusion pistols available, I loaded them up with harley's kisses and was set. Round one, I gotta bye (for a fluff ball army, that qualified as: winning!).
Round 2: Nidzilla.
Hive Angel has kicked my ass with his nids more time than I can count (my Eldar included) and so I was set to die. Spearhead/auto-tie mission, nids got to deploy/go first. He had a tyrant, 2 carnies, two of the ones that pop out of the ground (primes as I recall), and 2 infiltrating broods of a dozen genestealers each.
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Superfly! |
Turn 2) one giant bug popped out of the ground dead center in my army and shot something that tore up a gardener squad. The remaining carnie charged the dragon knights and the tyrant charged (but didn't wipe out or break) the pathfinders. In return there yet another DOOM and guide combo set for the bug that popped out of the ground. The combination of almost my entire army shooting at it and the harlequin's needing 6's to wound (and thus rend) meant that it died. Meanwhile superfly with his laser lance charged and dropped the 2nd carnie, saving the dragons.
Turn 3) big bug #2 pulls the same stunt finding itself in almost the same location and the same untenable situation, and as such my shooting and its subsequent death are almost a carbon copy of its predecessor in turn 2. Meanwhile the tyrant charged and killed superfly.
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Still only have one knight fully painted... |
Turn 5) the Tyrant charges and kills of the dragon Knights and their Warlock, and its summarily DOOMED! and while another squad was guided. The Avengers, still enroute to the objective turned face and I said they were going to blade storm and...
...he said: 'don't worry about it, I'm just going to take him off of the table."
The next round saw me face off against Screech's Thousand Sons. Pitched battle/annihilation. Having faced my army before, he all but completely ignored his psyhic abilities along with the combination of a few really tough units won out over my horde of cheap and flimsy ones.
The only vehicle in my army. |
No matter, I tabled nids' without war walkers and only minimal casualties. I'm a happy man! (and probably in the market for some Harlequins...)
I don't believe I have ever brought everything on the table. I usually if not always out-flank my genestealers and never use carnifexes. I wonder if his Tyrant ever had the opportunity to hit your units with the give them fight and shoot at 1 power, assuming he took the power?
Yeah the choice of infiltrating not outflanking genestealers was a welcome surprise that I didn't voice. His tyrant was quickly in combat with the pathfinders (the stealer's infiltrating both units left me with no option but to drop them in my deployment zone). The only shots he ever fired were from the bugs that came out of the ground.
Tyranid shooting, lol. Actually I think I only tend to have T6 models shoot. The devourer guants have my interest in future games, there cheap, but stupid firepower is something to try. At least its better than my current useless spine gaunts, lol. Still its a different view of Tyranids than I am use to. What was the point value?
1500 pts. I wouldn't call him a veteran player, though he did chew his way thru a blood angels army to get to round 2.
I recently tabled nidzilla myself. Second time I have ever tabled anyone. Hive tyrant, swarm lord with 2 guard, forge world carnifex, 20 homogaunts, 20 dev gaunts, 2 spores pods and 3x6 ymgarl genestealers. Everything coming in on turn 2 is nasty. Suprised I tabled him
I don't want to take anything away from your victory, but the nid' codex (according to 'teh interwebz' sucks, as does footdar (especially w/o an avatar & war walkers). Whereas the brand new Matt Ward written cron' codex, certainly does not...
Actually I am not surprised you did table the Tyranid player. With only two synapse creatures and everything rushing on the first turn doesn't add up well.
He said he had two synapse creatures, but with a 24 inch synapse, he always had it. The list I run isn't completely necron tarded. No scarabs, no stormlord, no nightfight. That and I have only ever tabled one other person before. I kind of feel bad when I do
I can hook you up with some Harlies, they're old school, but cheap!
I may take you up on that offer...
Remind me on Friday night...
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