Thursday, January 3, 2013

Do they have shotgun shacks in Stirland?, of course not, everyone knows my Stirlanders can't afford any guns...


The 'Gate House'.
Notta whole lot of painting has been done here of late, but I'm slowly easing myself out from 'vacation' mode and back into 'normal every day' mode. So that ought to pick back up again. Well, sorta anyways as currently I'm working on a 'little' side project that like my Quar is destined to live on the shelf. Yes, once more I've purchased minis that have no applicable no game system nor local interest (as in the case of the Quar), but I'll get to that sometime later. Maybe in the next few weeks or so...

While in Florida for Christmas, I did stop by the GW store and picked up a few odds and ends, including the WHFB walls and fences. I've since been looking on how to make my Empire watch tower into a little roadside castle. In the end it'll be little more than a glorified watch tower really but in rural and impoverished Stirland, it'll still qualify.

The watchtower comes with the little shack you see here, and so I painted it up this past Sunday to test out colors and am rather pleased with the result. As usual, it was mainly an exercise in dry brushing, picking out the few details, and then dry brushing some more. I 'plan' (as bad as I am at finishing terrain projects means don't get your hopes up...) on using foam board to raise the walls up so that their tops are the head height to the average Empire mini, and will have a fighting step on the inside of the wall. There is a little gate in one of the wall sections (I suppose I'll need to make a ramp to access it), so the wall section next to it will be sawed off and replaced with this shack to make the gate house.

In my mind I think it'll all work out nicely, whereas in reality....who the hell knows.


Hive Angel said...

To the Alamo, um ... uh OUTHOUSE?

Da Masta Cheef said...

lol, you'd best beware of what's floating in the moat...

Anonymous said...

So does that mean the unpainted gray guys or the headless guys are the Mexican army?


Da Masta Cheef said...

That would be the headless ones. My Stirlanders feature a lot of unpainted minis, however they do all have their heads on their shoulders...

rogue.trader.voril said...

Lol. Ye ol' photomat. Maybe your next terrain project could be galop through rat on a stick, or maybe a Warpstone Pizzaria: Hot, green, and glowing in 4 hours or it's free. :)

Da Masta Cheef said...

lol, that's awesome! Been working on the watchtower itself this evening.