...it was time for yet another grudge match! lol, my GF and RTVoril were the ones engaging in such trash talk, but due to personal schedule conflicts, it took awhile for us to arrange a time for a game. After our game vs.
Neverness with the Taudar, RTVoril said his Dark Eldar wanted to take that on. This time however the Tau would take the lead with my Exodites forming a minimally sized allied contingent.
The Fem Fa'Tau's spirits were high at the outset! |
RTVoril paraded a trio of DE jets before us, so we opted for the list with AA defense. Well, with the battle of misdirection won (he didn't use them), we prepped for battle. 1850 points, Crusade mission with 5 objectives, Tau deployment (short table edges), he won the roll and allowed us to set up and go first (he failed to steal the initiative, and 1st turn wasn't night fight).
The Fem Fa'Tau's center. |
And the left. The squads deployed on the right were concealed within ruins. Note: The Fire Warrior with the flag and binoculars was acting as a Cadre Fireblade. After this game, yes I think that model is worth purchasing! |
The Dark Eldar's center and left... |
...and their right. |
Turn 1's tau shooting took down the right most ravager, immobilized the middle one and removed a gun, and took a hull point off of the left one. A pretty good start. |
The DE replied by gunning down the Tau's commander via concentrated dark lance fire, and jet bike passover attacks that tore thru the Guardians and fire warriors, breaking the latter squad. |
Turn two saw the entrance of all of the Tau's out flanking forces. The sudden appearance of the Kroot rallied the Fire Warriors. |
One squad of stealth suits outflanked into the back of the DE left flank... |
...and the other into the hinterlands of the right. |
Marker lights galore, 'Guide' from the Farseer, and overwhelming firepower reduced the bikes to one fleeing rider! |
Meanwhile the Hammerheads took down the two ravagers, whilst the Stealth Suits dropped the venom. |
The Fem Fa'Tau's general casually selects the next target for destruction, as it starts raining Venoms! The one with the red tipped prow contained the DE warlord. |
The Exodites are in a bad spot... |
...and take heavy casualties, but hold. The Kroot suffer heavily as well and go to ground out of desperation! |
This venom dropped a few fire warriors, and in return the Tau's dice went cold, as all of this firepower FAILED to blow the damned thing up! |
Tau fire drops two more venoms, and the broadsides' firepower wipes out the Warlord and his retinue. |
The last venom drops into the fight (note the pretty WIP paint job). |
The broadsides are about to suffer a trademark Dark Eldar tactic, getting shot in the back! |
Killing one, the other flees off of the table, leaving the Witches w/o a target to charge. In the following turn, the Pathfinders would see them off. |
Meanwhile these few wipe out the Tau right flank's infantry for only one loss of their own. |
Kroot and fire warriors die in droves on the left flank (that whole 'Melee' thing), However one remaining witch falls to the pathfinders' guns, and the other three from another squad are left out in the open... |
...and at the bottom of turn 4, RTVoril raises the white flag. Turn 5 would see the three witches on the left in the cross hairs of 6 pathfinders, and a hammer head. Whilst those on the right (pictured above) were surrounded by a hammerhead, 6 stealth suits, a wounded Farseer and 3 remaining guardians. Worse yet the fleeing Jet bike would most likely fall to the other 5 stealth suits in the backfield. |
Tallying things up, the Taudar had: Warlord, line breaker, 1st blood, and 1 objective totaling 6 points. The Dar Eldar had Line breaker and Warlord only, totaling 2 points. Another victory for the Greater good, Huzzah! We all had fun though, so its all good.