I've made a few changes to my WHFB Stirland army, namely in the removal of a few units. Originally I had only wanted about a 1k point list, but once I started Greatswords, I 'needed' more to make them effective. Which meant a bigger army, cause they have a high point cost (for a foot slogging human). Plus I wanted a cannon, which meant an even bigger army to fit both units in with the army percentages (such a stupid system of army building). Soon my 1k army damn near hit 2k before I hit the breaks on it.
WHFB has taken a back seat here locally, as most games other than 40k do periodically. Looking at my little horde of Stirlanders, I really just wanted that 1k list, or rather about 1250 points just to have a little bit of variety. Thus, some units are hitting the auction block. I sold the Greatswords to Bob, and my FAILcast captain, spearmen, and archers (the latter have failed to kill ANYTHING in all of their games) will go to ebay sometime this week.
Now, before Neverness starts lamenting that I'm selling my Empire army before he finishes his Orc regiment (not holding my breath for the rest of the army...), remember that rodent problem I mentioned? Well...
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Because I don't already have enough to paint... |
Like my Stirland army, Mordheim is indeed a gateway drug as I've wanted a Skaven army for quite sometime, despite my public denials to the contrary. Last week was a good week on ebay (selling wise), and so I picked up 2 island of blood skaven starter regiments before transferring the rest of the funds to my checking account. Half have spears, the others hand weapons and shields. Hopefully this week I'll add the same amount to bump them up to blocks of 40-50 after adding in the Mordheim minis. They will be the core of my army. After that, I'll need an army book to see just what I have and where to go from there to reach the 1k mark, where again, I intend to stop.
Characters I already have in spades thanks to my Mordheim warband. The exception to that being a BSB which I picked up for dirt cheap on ebay, along with a pack master for all of my 'not-so-giant rats'. Right now, my warlord and BSB are Stormvermin. I love those minis but don't have the $100 needed to buy 2 boxes worth for a block of 40 (the Skaven standard it seems). Likewise, the BSB's flag is kinda sad, but till I get an actual Stormvermin standard bearer (those bits were kinda pricey) he'll have to do. Not too inspiring of a BSB, but the Skaven lead thru fear and intimidation so it is no matter. He has decent armor AND a shield, so it is easy to see that he is actually a rat of some worth!
These will have to wait a bit to see some paint/assembly, as we're moving my GF into my/our house this week. Hopefully the dust will settle enough next week for me to paint up a few or something.