Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Its all in a wash...


As you know, I'm running a day late on my weekly Monday post. Grandfather Nurgle stopped by for a visit last week, and we're still trying to recover from his attentions. Today I can function (for the most part), but the past three days, not so much. As a result, where I mentioned in my prior post that my Orks were going to take to the field this past weekend…well that didn't happen. Instead we warned away our opponent. My GF and I contemplated a game vs. each other, but neither of us felt up to it. We simply didn't have the energy, nor would the game be much fun with constant coughing fit interruptions. :-(

That said, whilst I was dead to the world, I did manage to get some painting done at least. I painted up a few Astral Claws for my Tyrant's Legion (previously I only had 1 painted TL marine). My models are a mix of loyalist and traitor marine parts. I figure my army will be from either the latter stages of the Badab war, or immediately following it, but before rebranding themselves as the Red Corsairs.

Their color scheme is really quite simple, and even kinda ugly prior to giving them a wash in Devlin Mud (sadly that invaluable pot is running low and I'll soon have to go with it's replacement(s)…). Slather on the wash (I know some think I use too much of the stuff, but I like grimy-looking minis). Then come back in an hour and all that's needed is a quick, light dry brushing of extra grime, a few touch ups, basing and then onto the clear coats (matte followed by 'Ard coat in select places). As such the progress I made on these guys seems trivial when compared to most out there, but considering I was half-dead at the time, it felt like good progress to me.


rogue.trader.voril said...

Looks good despite it being a marine. :)

Da Masta Cheef said...

lol, thanks.

Kushial said...

Looks good cause it's a marine despite being chaos.

Necron Bob said...

I'm sad to say that in my experience Agrax is a poor substitute for Devlin. Two of my saddest hobby moments were using the last of my chestnut ink and using the last of my devlins mud.

Da Masta Cheef said...

Rob got me one of the army painter washes which is supposed to be a closer match to Devlin, I've yet to try it though...