FIVE years ago...
I had just met this girl, and she was into gaming, and anime, and I told her about this new Robotech Kickstarter I went in on, and she thought it sounded really cool and...
FIVE years later...
As my Beloved Wolfy (that amazing girl described above) and I quickly close in on our 2nd wedding anniversary, that same Robotech kickstarter is finally spiraling thru it's sad, pathetic demise.
If you're a gaming geek, than you've no doubt heard about this uber-clusterfuck of a Kickstarter. If not...well, you can read a good synopsis here, or for the TLDR crowd, just go to 1D4chan's 'Kickstarter and controversy' section here. Better yet, just go to the comments on the actual KS page. Yup, 102,000+ comments of outrage and vitriol...YEARS of it! Hell for truly disgruntled backers, there's a private FB group pooling their rage for legal action!
Anyways, skipping to the present, ol' Kevin Siembieda, the
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Worth the wait? No. |
Yeah, the KS's Rick Hunter's custom VT was unattainable, but Max & Miriya Sterling's custom VTs were for those attending adepticon. 4chan described most backers as just wanting unseen Battletech minis (yes, I am part of that supposed 98%) and as such ordered a box of Spartan/Phalanx Destroids (aka: Longbows/Archers). Of course they were $5 more than my pledge and I'd have to pay the additional shipping. Whilst, it felt like throwing more good money after bad, I wanted to get something after 5 years of frustration. Thus, I paid the extra $12 and got the above boxed set.
The 4chan link above says these are some awful models to build and when finished, have some dreadful gaps, I haven't opened the box yet, I'll save that rant for a future post.
They are a bit of a pain to build, cause I've built a couple boxes of them. But since they actually come with directions on how to do it. That means while yes it's about 20+ some pieces, they're easier to assemble than some of the actual BattleTech miniatures that are 8 to 12 pieces since they NEVER have directions.
I dunno, the instructions that came with the other destroids box were kinda vague and assembly involved an excessive amount of profanity whilst trying to figure out what the hell went where.
The Archer/Longbow box is definitely easier than the Warhammer/Rifleman box.
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