Friday, September 22, 2023

The Buddha Bot

As opposed to the other meditation droid...

In all likelihood this droid powered down for a reboot and just never powered back up...or something like that. This is another Robot of the Month Club bot that I didn't quite know what to do with and so it sat (literally) on a shelf for a few months until I primed it on a whim and dry brushed it up. 

I figure that I can use this as a terrain piece for Star Wars Legion if I ever play it, as this is about twice the height of a stormtrooper. 

3-Color minimum: Vallejo grey primer, flat red & clear orange. Following that came a heavy dousing of tufts, flock and lastly matte varnish. The tufts and whatnot are to give the impression that its been sitting there, rusting for a very long time. 

Buns of steel?


neverness said...

That's cool. I like that it conveys a sense that there is a story to be told, without giving too much of a clue as to what that story might be.

Ragsta said...

It looks bloomin lovely. Ever watched Laputa Castle in the Sky? This makes me think of the guardian robots in that film.

Anonymous said...

@Neverness: thanks!

@Ragsta: thanks & no I have not, I guess I’ll have to check it out.