Monday, July 15, 2024

The rearmed Sub-Commander Firestorm


For The Greater Good!

Following the debacle of my last game (see previous post), I'm looking for ways to up-gun my Tau. This is however hampered by the fact that our house in Tennessee hasn't sold yet leaving us with two homes to pay for, meaning no new toys can be bought. 

I paint grime so well, that you can't tell that the missile pods and sensor aren't original equipment.

First up, was to rearm Sub-Commandeer Firestorm as mentioned previously. Gone are the flamer and much maligned airbursting fragmentation launcher. Now she's armed with a pair of missile pods, while retaining the weapon support system & shield generator. Whilst not the most potent weapons that she could wield, they are the longest ranged turning her into a light fire support unit. 

The recon drone's flight stand was primed, so I flocked the base and hid the post in some foliage.

While not hers specifically, I also painted up a pair of shield drones. These will be added to my drone pool to be passed out to whomever. They're basically free floating ablative wounds. 

 I believe the decal translates to: BRRRRT!

I also assembled and painted up the pathfinders' Recon drone. This would not have helped at all in my prior game as it would have died right along with the shas'ui on turn one like most of the rest of the pathfinders (unless the shas'ui had had a shield drone...). Regardless, it is a cool mini and I'm not sure as to why I never assembled it before. 

Next up, I guess I need to build the Broadside that's been in the shrink-wrap for the past year or two...


neverness said...

I think this stuff is looking great1 I think olive drab makes a lot sense as a Tau color scheme.

Da Masta Cheef said...

Thanks! I like the desert colors as well, but OD green (of one shade or another) is easily my most painted color across my armies. I think that my dark & dirty Tau look good, now if I could only get them to play that way...