For whatever reason, lately I've been in the mood to paint stuff that I really don't use, for games that I rarely (or in this case, don't) play. Last week was BFG and this week I've started basecoating an Empire Captain. No pics yet as not much has been done, but he's been started. Perhaps next post...
Now, he was purchased for use with my Stirland Deserters Warband for Mordheim, but he looks a bit too nice for that (plus I like my Skaven for Mordheim far more than I do my Stirlanders). Then some ways back Neverness pitched a fit when he found that I had sold off my almost fully painted O&G horde cause he was thinking of getting back into WHFB. I had no idea that he actually played that game, but he has most everything in a box somewhere's so I should have known. He mentioned his empire here & again, but didn't think it was more than a few random minis & a conceptual idea (something we're all probably guilty of). Anyways I bought some more stuff to make a Warband-turned-Empire army (i.e., before some of them deserted to Mordheim). But it never has really gotten anywhere. No one locally was playing 8th ed., and when asked Neverness still hadn't touched any of his Empire minis with a brush (btw, how's that new year's resolution of your's coming?).
Then more recently, Madival restarted playing WHFB again and was looking for opponents. He asked what I had and the answer was 'not much' though I did at least put what I had left on sprues together to get a look. Just for the hell of it, I came up with a diagram of the army based off of Admiral Drax's orders of battle, behold:
![]() |
Its almost laughable to call this an army! |
Amusingly, were I to remove the 2 magic items I had selected from the old army book (I have neither the new one nor the 8th ed rulebook for that matter) I could actually call this a historical army, lol! Totaling somewhere between 500-600 points, and failing to meet (or rather not exceed) the point percentage limits of the new system, even just using the old army book one can see that this is a decidedly weak formation. I have no desire to go competitive with this (assuming it goes anywhere) and thus am not interested in dealing competitive armies either, so Madival don't get your hopes up (in general I've never liked the concept of undead armies anyways).
There's no BSB, wizards, artillery (just a crummy Engineer with a blunderbuss [assuming they can still have those] meaning that if anything, he IS the artillery), no knights, the list goes on... Furthermore the costs of correcting that (even before the next price increase which is imminent) is somewhat horrifying. So odds are this wont change anytime soon. Hopefully though, these ragged few souls will have a pretty new commander (as opposed to a primed black one who's arm isn't glued on) by the end of the long weekend.
We shall see...
My fantasy army is far from competitive. I an going strong theme and sticking to it. Lost rather badly to an empire gun line just last week.
Gunline empire, bleh. I'm sure you enjoyed charging the non moving gunline as much as did General Pickett. That always struck me as an exceedingly boring army design (kinda like my old Necron Army)
But with you & Bob accusing each other of being not fun to play against whether its with kremler or teclis, I'm not exactly inspired by your statement above. That and one of your lists has TERROR in big bold all-caps lettering all over it.
Having to gear everything (magical) towards eliminating the ill effects of fear/terror being spread across an entire army are what got me out of WHFB in the first place. So many cool items, but I gotta take all the anti-psychology crap again instead... Despite psychology being nerfed in 8th, I find that as little incentive to go rushing towards that same old fight again.
The sad part is though that with Sylvania getting annexed & dumped into Stirland, and that part of Stirland being even more impoverished & desolate than the rest of the province, it would actually be quite fluffy to field my guys (were they field-able) vs. yours.
Such irony...
Fantasy, lol.
Just for that, I'll call it a 'beer & pretzels' game!
Terror hasn't done anything in any game yet. Fear is almost as rare. I am honestly wanting to keep kemmler. The kemmler just gets +1 to dispel , ethereal , and knows all the spells. I take him for know all spells. Everything else rarely comes into play. Master of the dead is wasted . Really , the competitiveness of my army is magic phase dependent and kemmler gives me the best magic phase. At least I don't field a blender lord. 7 s5-8 reroll to hit attacks that generate and additional attack each hit and he is a level 3 wizard. As a named character, kemmler is pretty tame. Ethereal goes with theme. Going grave yard theme.
I'm not familiar with his rules (part of the I don't like the undead thing). I used to have to deal with a trio of strighori vampires that were the epitome of ridiculous that effectively ruined WHFB for me for quite some time (though I hear that those are gone now). So, my apologies if the above came off like one of my usual 'you suck' rants. My primary ire towards the VC is really someone else's fault.
Regardless, the point is moot as what I have is neither field-able, nor will it be for quite sometime @ the minimum.
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