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If only they could afford guns... |
Once that's all laid out, it'll let me know whether or not there's room for the support braces and any other bits and bobs. I do have an Empire prisoner hanging from a hook to add, and the placement for it selected. However just whose colors he'll be painted in has yet to be determined. That and until there's a base under the whole thing, that piece will be in easy danger of snapping off due to being a decently sized part that'll be projecting out from one side.
As you can see, I repainted the larger bricks at the bottom to look like stonework. Given their size, it looks much better I think, and hopefully will reduce if not eliminate the 'Ye ol' McDonalds or Taco Bell' references...
I also decided against adding the giant and kinda goofy looking chimney, instead opting for two little ones poking out of the sides. One per enclosed level and with soot stains to match. It still needs something on the open wall space above the door, just not sure what. Trying not to overdecorate it to the point of gaudy (which is such a prevalent issue with Empire minis, just look at their dreadful war wagon/shrine things...bleh), but I'm not too fond of the little gargoyle bits that the kit comes with. Dunno, will figure out something I guess...
Arby's reference in 3... 2...
...in a hotel fire?
yes & the rest of that line applies too.
You realize you'll never get to use this for a game of Mordheim. Else 2 Reikland snipers will end up there, somehow.
Oh Reikland markmen...how OP you are.
I was going to invent a Mordheim a house rule where it was infested with 'not-so-giant' rats...
Make it an inn so Screech can set it on fire with your guys in it. :)
Yes, an Inn, I can see it now. Not So Comfort Suites. We'll leave a fire on for you .... cause we'll roast your heretic ass.
That said, I like the look of it. Needs some sort of semi-tattered lord's banner hanging down from the battlements though.
He has a point. It IS Stirland, so its supposed to look like shit, right? :D
No, 'like shit' would be a Reikland warband painted in the not-so-many shades of primer (minus the one I painted for ya of course...).
Will have to see Kushial, I don't have any banners that will work for that currently, but it needs something...
Hey Cheef, noticed that there are some new release Quar if you haven't seen them yet.
Yeah I saw them on their FB page yesterday. Cool looking minis, especially the combat cameraQuar & sapper. Need to paint my Crusaders first before looking at any more of those though.
Screech is writing a book: 40 Shades of Grey... Primer.
Nothing says Stilrland home like a scrap cloth flag, and a fucked up wagon up on stone blocks without wheels.
A wagon in Stirland? Did they steal it from another province?
Yes, Reikland.
I want to argue against that but, it is Stirland...
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