Been dealing with a cold this week, nothing bad enough to go to the doctor, as they'll tell me 'Yup, its a cold. Try chicken soup and rest, that'll be $35.' So instead, I just hunkered down at home and I've gotten a fair bit more painting done than is normal for me.
First up, I regunned the Vyper with a 'Brightglance' in an attempt give my Eldar some more anti-tank fire power. Of course its now more expensive and will be higher on the enemy's target priority list which isn't what it's Guardian crew wants to hear...
Sticking with the Eldar, I've also painted a pair of Corsairs. Being Corsairs, I figure I don't really need to paint them entirely consistently, which ought to break the monotony of painting a bunch of identically posed models.
As you can see, I also painted the Exarch for my Saim-Hann Dire Avenger Exarch. I never liked the traditional DA color scheme with the white shoulder guards and helmets, and so switched to black. Much better looking I think.
Veering off of the Eldar, last week I painted the first of the multitude of grots that were given to me for the now greatly enlarged Eleet Grot Mountin Duvishun. Ugh, that will be a project with no end...
Next up, I fixed Inquisitor Coteaz's warped nemesis-stupid-hammer which caused my screaming nerd raging FAILcrap rant a few weeks back. Using a pinned end of a GK Nemesis-WARD!!!-ing stave. Looks fine now. I might use Coteaz & his entourage as an allied contingent this weekend, but to be honest, every time I open that codex it just pisses me off. They get so much stuff for next to no cost that I still have no idea how it got thru the editing/play testing process.
Seriously, a Warrior acolyte with Storm Shield and Power Weapon is 39 points, or I can just take a Crusader which is the same thing except he's also WS4 for 15 points. Because that's fair...or a LR crusader gets fortitude built in and the Aegis for 5 points over anyone else's LR, psybolt ammo is a mere 5 points, and then there's the 2 pages of BS regarding all the bonuses to the nemesis weapons which ought to be torn out of the book entirely just because.
I wounded you, didn't use the force wepon ability, but are you a Daemon/psyker? Yes? well take a LD test and if you fail, get it off the table. Why? Because Matt Ward thought it was balanced. Cost extra? Oh heavens no, that stuff comes for free with the weapons (which also can be master crafted for the usual 5 points extra).
So stupid...were it not for my Imperial Forestry Service Squad, everything Inquisition related would have gone the way of ebay a long time ago. As it is, there's not much of it left. I hate that my fun little inquisitorial allied contingents are now part of a codex that is so utterly broken.
Okay, rant off and now moving on, I didn't get photos, but my Storm Warden's Devastator Sgt. is also coming along nicely. His signum is now glued in place and like the first of the heavy bolter marines in his squad, he's ready for decals, inking, dry brushing and then final touch ups.
Matthew Webb - Kickstarter Ending Soon
6 hours ago
I like the look of that Exarch, nicely done. As to the Grot ... I can't wait to see the final one done here in 10 or 11 years. =D
I know what you mean about Inquisition stuff. I've wanted to make an Inquisitor and a henchmen warband several times, but just can't ever get past the rules. I didn't like the previous Daemon and Witch Hunter codexs and I really don't like the new Grey Knight one. Guess I'll just end up doing it one day merely as something to do than something to put on a table top.
10-11 years? Sounds a bit optimistic to me...
With the older codexes, my inquisitorial allied units were more akin to circus side shows than anything really effective, whereas the current incarnation of them is just bad (as is anything Matt Ward has written aside from the SM codex)
Well fear not. The leak is out. Phil Kelly did Codex:Demons, and Matt 'I do what I want' Ward is doing the Demons Armybook. Let Matt Ward fuck up fantasy for some time, and leave 40k alone.
I have always liked that vyper! Not sure about your color choices for those guardians...guess I really like the red on the vyper crew more. Why the color change?
I sometimes think after your rants and public hate declarations about Matt Ward that i'm going to read about you being arrested in Nottingham for attempting to carve your name onto his heart! LOL
At least he didn't use a spoon.
Nice work, man! Loving the colors on the Eldar, and I feel your pain about the ubiquitous green hordes. Looking forward to seeing more!
@Neverness: Those are my Eldar Corsairs (with Lasblasters) using the Forgeworld Army list, not the Saim-Hann. Just a different shade of Eldar. I don't have any Saim-Hann Guardians, as I already have 30 Exodite Guardians who are the exact same thing & look much better.
Oh, and cost is all that is saving him from that fate...
@Hive Angel: lol, betcha I could get that thru the TSA security check!
@Mordian: Thank you sir! With a triple digit number of grots to go, you will no doubt see more of them, though I doubt all of them painted.
Oh very coo that you managed to fix the warped handle of Inquisitor Coteaz's hammer. Looks much better! Love the Eldar Corsiars paint job. And the grots are super cute (yeah that's prob not exactly what you are going for, but they are!). Guess I missed seeing those in person last night. I do like the Vyper.
Oh and thanks for sharing your lovely cold. Not that I didn't enjoy getting it of course... ;)
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