Thursday evening, Wolfy and I made a trip out to the FLGS for a game of X-Wing vs. I.R./Voril and Kushial. Originally it was supposed to be a 3v3 game, but getting 4 out of 6 original players is about right for the stereotypically unreliable gamer crowd. I asked if I could borrow I.R./Voril's Lambda shuttle so I could give it a try. He's never been fond of it, but Wolfy really wants one, or rather wanted much to our surprise, I.R./Voril gave it to her! Holy crap!?!? Really?
Yes really. So awesome!
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X-Wing is really just bumper cars with guns... |
As such, it was put to immediate use in our game, and Wolfy and I, fielding the Empire and won the game (eventually...200 point games can run rather long)! In a following 100 point game, I.R./Voril and Kushial won, though it was fairly close as their 2 ships had 2 hull points left between them, making it a rather close game and a good night of fun!
I really like xwing's mechanics. The trying to out think your opponents maneuvers is just fantastic fun.
Hell, trying to out-think your own maneuvers is something of a challenge! Friendly ships hitting one another is an all too common occurrence...
Yes I apparently like to play bumper space ships (insert surprise buttsecks jokes here). LOL!
However on a more serious note... Thanks again Imperial Recruitment!! :-)
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