As it turns out, it was a good thing that my game with
Neverness had already been postponed, because I was yet again struck down by illness this past week resulting in a fairly unpleasant 4-day weekend. My beloved Wolfy and I have been sick more or less for the
ENTIRE month of January it seems and we're all too happy to be done with this infernal month!
That said, stuck at home and all on my own on Thursday and Friday, I got a fair bit of hobbying in...well, in between the frequent 2ish hour naps, and all of the coughing, snotting and general malaise. Bereft of games to talk about this week due to the aforementioned illness, instead this week's 2 posts will be about what I did as I staved off death...
For the first project I finished was my Khurasan APC for my (as yet still unused) Gruntz army:
The Buffet Assault Group. Armed only with a medium grenade launcher in the turret, this is really just an APC rather than an IFV. Still, it painted up nicely and I'm quite happy with it. With this model's completion, all I have left to paint for Gruntz is my Commander's mech, a mortar team, and the in-progress vending bot.
Sorry for the wicked glare. |
Ah yes, their adoring fan base... |
Also, whilst half dead, I made my weekly stop by the
BoLS to see if they had anything of interest. As usual I was disappointed, but still I
had to comment on their 3rd, carbon copy post in about 24 hours about the new Karate-Kid Wulfen. Seriously, it had
nothing new at all offer over what the prior two near identical posts had! Its such a shame that what was once the premiere 40k/mini gaming blog is now just a 'click-bait' website.
Speaking of, how does one unfollow Spikey Bits's blog? When I log into blogger, my blog update feed shows:
Spikey Bits
Spikey Bits
Spikey Bits
Spikey Bits
Spikey Bits
Spikey Bits
Somebody actually has a post then more of:
Spikey Bits
Spikey Bits
Spikey Bits
Spikey Bits
Yes, it seems that not content to spam the living shit out of BoLS with his mindless garbage, his own page is even worse! (with the exception of Sundays it seems, I guess he's at church...) Yet looking on the page, I see the followers listed nowhere, keeping me from unfollowing the accursed thing!
This is your much hyped first rant of the year? This illness (or old age) has robbed you of your rage. Your rant posts use to have so much vitriol, venom, and rage it was sure to get you on a FBI watch list. They were very entertaining. Where is the passionate hate? Where is the eloquent diatribe? Where is the FBI domestic terrorism watch list?
lol, ahh yes, MY adoring fan base...
I like it; barbed, I thought. Not over nauanced, so that even a casual scrying should pcik up the tempo of your temper.
But yeah, there's nowt quite so vexing as something that used to be good going to pot.
Oh well.
Wait until his 4th ed codex orks lose to my 7th ed orks. That should be a wellspring of rants and rage... :D
Again, I won both of my games played with the new dex, and its not like the old dex wasn't in dire need of help to begin with...
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