The Red Corsairs will be making their tournament debut this coming weekend on the sparse battlefields of Morristown. I've made some minor alterations to the army, just a few back pack, arm & weapon swaps. I feel like I'm ruining gorgeous models with my own alterations, but some changes were needed. Anyways, after much cajoling on his part, I've agreed to a practice game this Saturday @ the FLGS vs. Madival.
Matthew Webb - Kickstarter Ending Soon
15 hours ago
No special characters and what the internet deems ineffective units. Can't be all bad. It hopefully will do well. I kinda wanna lose though. I haven't lost since the new book came out.
Good luck at the tournament! And hey, a batrep of this showdown between bloggers would be cool too. ;)
Thanks Papa! Bat Reps are Madival's department, though I prefer to stay off of camera, so I'm not quite sure how that will work...
I can easily do it, chad hates being on camera so its quite doable. There is a lot more of chad to get on camera. the format is easy as well since its just end of turn action for each player. wont even need commentary if you don't want to.
Also, its not my army lists. It's actually necrons in general . I have played everything from scythe spam, to terrain manipulation, to various footcron builds and they all seem to annoy if the dice are right.
Oh sure, blame Matt Ward....that's supposed to be OUR complaint, not yours!
But you can tell its a problem when I complain about my first army being at times rediculous. On top of that, didn't you stop play GK for close to the same reason ?
Yup, still not moving @ all with squads in transports will get my ire up regardless of which army is doing it.
I still have the inquisitorial horde, but may sell a portion off & just keep my favorites, like Ben Franklin, the Imperial forestry service, etc.
Great pic. Did you draw that?
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