I started painting on my new rhino for my Red Corsairs this weekend using the razorback I won at the tourney sometime back. The razorback's turret will go to my Tyrant's Legion army in the form of a converted sentry gun. I just HAVE to have those sentry guns and for no other reason than the fact that an 'immobile' fast attack choice amuses me to no end.
Anyways, the rhino...
The exterior will be the usual red & black however being pirates, I figured it would only be appropriate to have their rhino appear to be stolen/captured. Now, in the CSM codex, there's a story where the Corsairs capture a SW strike cruiser, and one can only assume that there were a few rhinos in its hold. Therefore I'll also assume that this was one of them.
I'm rather pleased with the SW pack marking on the floorboard if I do say so myself. Rather than paint over it, someone just sprayed the wolf icon with a burst of bolter fire, to show the proper level of respect that the Corsairs have for some of the Emperor's favorite lap dogs.
However my freehand painting isn't near good enough to pull off something like this. To compensate for my lack of skill, I made the stencil at left using adobe illustrator & a scan of the SW decal sheet. I output a film positive & then hand cut the black areas out with an exacto blade. Paint was applied one stencil layer at a time, though I skipped the rectangle & just painted the entire floor yellow to start. After stenciling, I touched up the lines, painted the recessed strips black & the bolter holes with boltgun metal. Gave it a wash in Orgyn flesh, and then dirtied it up with a dry brushing of deneb stone and...some sort of khaki color, I forget which off hand.
Now I'm sure that were this the interior of a Black Templar rhino (or some other overtly religious chapter), then the entire interior would be repainted as the wall-to-wall scripture would be sheer torture to the Corsairs riding within. However while the SW are a loyalist chapter, piety isn't one of their strongest traits. So the interior was left more or less as is, with just a few of (my still feeble attempts at) Dave Taylor's chaos stars decorating the interior walls. I also added a chaos arrow to the wall mounted bolter, though you really can't see it that well in the pics below.
Just one thing else of note. I unfortunately had to glue the rear ramp closed after taking these photos as it simply wouldn't stay shut. At least the top hatch doors won't be glued in place (otherwise this would have just been a pointless endeavor).
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6 minutes ago
You glued the door shut?! I would've tried something with magnets as opposed to doing that!
I don't have any magnets small enough and would have been hard to do after the hull was already glued together. Besides the ramp opening isn't that necessary & with the top hatch removable, you can still see everything just fine. Still is kindova shame though...
Awesome! Love the callback to the stolen strike cruiser, and the template/stencil idea worked perfectly. Keep up the great work!
Thank you sir, thank you!
Cool, I really like the idea of still having some of the old iconography from the victims on the vehicle. Nice job adding some narrative to the model. BTW you aren't the same Da Masta Cheef who is constantly kicking my butt on the PS3 net playing spacemarine are you?
As for playing space marine, nope that's not me. I don't have a PS3.
While I do enjoy the idea of you abusing the Wolves *cough* *cough* Screech *cough*, where is your Smurf hate? :) If trashing Smurfs is good enough for Gram McNeil, isn't it good enough for you!?!
Really, the Rhino cam out great. Who did it for you? :P
lol, well i figured that if some schmuck in Morristown can paint pretty good, then I ought to give it a try...(oh & I figure that the other Rhino will probably get the Smurf interior).
Schmuck? I haven't seen anyone in Morristown that can really paint well and who is a schmuck... you must be mistaken. Are you sure it wasn't Chattanooga? There are plenty of schmucks there, and one of them is bound to have some painting ability. :P
lol, Remember, if you you never encounter 'the schmuck', then you know what that means...
It's a grand idea, and excellent execution. Will you be extending the SW icons/scheme to the outside of the tank as well--or will that have been fully chaos-ified by now?
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