I'm running a day late I suppose, but from time to time such things will happen I guess. I spent the weekend out of town, (sounds like as good an excuse as any, right?) starting off in beautiful Asheville, NC for a concert (and food fight) Friday night, and then half of Saturday just wandering around before heading back to TN. However rather than going home which would take me directly into the path of 100,000+ screaming & intoxicated NASCAR fans (you can tell the economy is still shot as I didn't say 160,000+). Instead I went to my grandparent's house which is only about an hour away from my place.
Spending the night there I was able to get a little bit of painting done. though it did take a bit of effort to get going initially. I had an army with me, and so pulled out a plague marine champion to finish out, rather than start on something new. Indeed, when done I figured that at least I'll have something to blog about...
Then Sunday morning Screech arrived & we went to Morristown for then biweekly 40k tourney. I had the Aurora Scouts with me & though I lost it was a close fought game that was decided in the bottom of the last round, so I can't complain. Plus Orks won, not mine but that's still ok. Especially as it wasn't the usual 4 deff rolla, 2 KFF, cookie cutter list. Regardless, I picked up my razorback that was ordered after my earlier win, so I showed up & got a free tank, and that alone is worth the trip in my book.
Screech made it to the 2nd round, so rogue.trader.voril & I played a game as we never had before (which is kinda odd). I think we called it when Screech lost (he claims he threw the game allowing Chad & Madival to split the win) and we were ready for some dinner. Not sure who won our game but it was good & bloody, so no matter.
...and that was about it for my fun filled weekend!
Comet Lord Miniatures - New Patreon Offer
20 minutes ago
The "official" release from is that after I gracefully ragequit, Chad, for some reason, pressed the point of continuing on. After this, Chad's dice completely abandoned him as his entire left flank ceased to exist after 2 tank shocks and assaults (when he's rolling 5's and 6's, morale tests are better than a battle cannon). We then tied for objectives, so it came down to kill points. Since Chad had combat squaded almost his entire army, he suffered 5-6 points to my 3 (granted 2 of them were worth nearly 600 points). Technically, I won the match. However, considering that I DID ragequit at the beginning, I gave the win to Chad.
Why the ragequit?
I am curious myself. I have never seen you rage quit. I also was over there against the ork player
Lots and lots of good rolls on Chad's side and lots and lots of bad rolls on mine resulted in me losing half of my army in one assault phase. The rage quit followed from a lack of any foreseeable outcome in my favor. However, after my ragequit, we decided to continue on anyways, which resulted in lots and lots of bad rolls on Chad's side and slightly less on mine.
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