Last weekend rogue.trader.voril gave me a partially constructed Space Marine Thunderhawk that was made entirely of a heavy grade plasticard! While still quite basic, as you can see its very well done! He didn't build it himself, rather a friend of his who unexpectedly passed away a year or so ago had started it but never had a chance to finish the build. Not seeing himself finish the model, he turned it over to me to see if I can/will. Even if only for a terrain piece.
The weapons shouldn't be too hard using parts from various GW kits, and the canopy can probably be done in plasticard & just painted over in lieu of using transparent plastic as there is no interior detail. The engines however, will be the hardest part. I believe he said that valkeryie engines were tried but were too small. I was thinking of perhaps a pair of valk engines per side, mounted one above the other where the engine joins the fuselage... It wouldn't fit the exact standard, but as there are local variations of everything else in the 40k universe, it ought to work...maybe. Voril also gave to me the basic plasticard structure of a stormlord. I doubt that I'll do anything with that & instead will try to find a good home for it.
In other news, rather than play our usual Wednesday game of 40k. Adam decided that Tuesday evening was an excellent time to lock himself out of his apartment. Thunder, lightning, torrential rain, what time would be better? So I went & picked him up and back at my place we played Scrabble while waiting for his roommate to get home. It was a good bit of fun for an impromptu gaming session, and I won which made it even better.
Never had the letters to fit 'Thunderhawk' on the board though...
TT Combat - New Preview
4 hours ago
To keep it on topic you should have insisted that words be only related somehow to 40K. "Heretic", "Bolter",
Squig", "Eldar", "Baneblade". "Cheese", etc.
Looking at that board leads me to believe that you have some dirty minds.
lol, I had a bunch of A's what else was i going to do?
Anal... apparently. :)
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