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That D.E.P. (a bazooka essentially) is already pointed at your feet, just pull the trigger and get it over with buddy, your chances of survival are just about nil anyways... |
Our buddy Hoss, local Infinity extraordinaire, offered to give us another infinity demo using copy-cat Ariadna forces to myself, my wonderful, amazing and beautiful fiance Wolfy, and our opponent: Screech. Now...in every game of infinity thus far, it feels like no matter what I do, whether on offense, defense, whatever it doesn't matter, I'm always at a disadvantage. No one else has this issue, just me...trying to pin down just why that is, has left Hoss feeling quite perplexed.
A turn or so in and after nothing but abject failure on my part (as usual), I got frustrated and just walked the fuck away from the game leaving Wolfy to it. I came back after a little bit, and in my absence she had Screech on the ropes, having cut his force in almost half. I rolled a few more dice, succeeding in nothing more than splattering my Medic's guts across the sidewalk, got pissed again (and walked away again).
On my return, the game was just wrapping up with Screech's 'MVP' (i.e.: the last man standing) hiding behind a cargo container and saying nope, not coming out! So what's my problem. Were my fiance's dice rolling hot? No. Good? eh, maybe. Average? Yes, definitely. However from my point of view, average would be just awesome!
Ya know, everybody has to suffer thru a game now and again when the dice just say: Fuck you pal! You're not going to win today...and you don't. It sucks, we all know this. At worse, you have to slog thru 2 back-to-back games of this (unless of course you insist on using GW's shitty D6s, and make a career out of dice failures).
However it finally clicked Friday that that's my problem with Infinity, the dice have been in Fuck you mode in every game that I've played of it, what the actual fuck?!?! I need to roll high; I roll low. I need to roll low; I row high. I actually manage to hit (via some small miracle), and I lose the face-to-face roll. What. the. Fuck.
Its kinda hard to have fun when nothing works for you, ever! So far the only fun I've had with infinity is painting the minis. I can see the game's potential, I want to like it I really do, but thus far Infinity apparently hates me. Sure I could trash the dice and get new ones, but they worked just fine for my fiance this past game, and the one prior to that she was kicking ass and taking names with them!
Fuming on the way home she commented that: you're having fun with Bolt Action and X-Wing, why don't you just stick with those, and I'll play Infinity. Once I get the rules down better then we can play at home and you can try it again maybe...
Sounds like a plan as right now I don't want to play the fucking game at all!
Well... I think THAT is why she is 'your better half'. :) I think she's right. Game night is suppose to be fun and relaxing. If it's not then what's the point.
You and I (and others) have said that we would like to like 40k, but don't (at least right now), so we don't (usually) play it. Why would Infinity get a pass on that? If it's not working for you right now ditch it and stick with what is working for you.
I agree, if the game doesn't work for you (right now at least) let it rest and then you could give it another try when the frustration has subsided.
That said, I think personally that Infinity is the best skirmish game on the market. Since you seem to have a local Infinity guru I'm sure you've already heard the hints and tips about playing, but I can't help but try to help you out as well. :)
At its core the game is very much about stacking positive modifiers to your own rolls while catching the opponent with negative modifiers. If you're about to roll a face-to-face roll with less than 6 net difference it would have to be for a good reason (or you have overwhelming firepower). You have probably heard and do this already, and the dice simply hate you. But if not, perhaps it might help.
Try malifaux. You don't roll any dice, just flip cards from the deck :).
It sounds like a bad run of dice are really to blame in your infinity games, more so then any aspect of the gameplay. I'd still give it another try in the future.
I've had the same thing happen with X-wing...and that is a game where some of the combos are pretty absurd (if you are playing with "all" ships and not limiting to one or two waves). Failing to roll any decent attack dice vs phantoms can pretty much mean you get tabled and never hit them once.
I'd be good to try out some Malifaux if you want.
"Career of dice failures"? Well, for the record, GW DICE or not, the dice roll for me how the dice roll for me. I can share dice with an opponent and net the results I typically get. However, I have never had the dice screw me to the point that I blame the army or units I am using and sell them off (when logic would suggest that perhaps it's the dice that should be ditched).
@I.R. & Martin: Yeah just gonna skip it for awhile I guess. Still sucks though.
@Greggles & I.R. (again): Nope, Malifaux honestly is of no interest to me. That said, I.R., if you're interested in that game, Rob's been wanting to give it a go for quite some time now.
@Neverness: lol, your need/want to sling-shot your dice into the woods has been an on-going joke for quite some time now. I'm not suggesting any units or games ought to be sold because of my totally rotten luck with my D20s (nor do any other dice types have any effect on what I sells with the one exception of any 40k mini which held a sniper rifle).
Rather I (disappointingly) just need to walk away from the game right now as I've yet to get any enjoyment out of the playing experience due to horrendous die rolling at every step of the way.
Yes, I can't bear the idea of the local fauna having better results with them than me....*sigh*
Having played in games where dice were thrown, I will admit that it is quite amusing to watch. The small house that was home to the weekly night of gaming had a sliding door out onto the back porch. In a fantasy game where 20 of 22 2+ saving throws for Bretonnian knights were failed (as well as every blessing save and leadership test), 2 entire cubes of dice were thrown by the handful out the backdoor into the night all over the yard. Months later, the lawn mower was still finding the occasional dice.
Yeah that would be my concern, the mower launching a die thru a car window...
"I got frustrated and just walked the fuck away from the game". My man, you can't do that. You've got to stick it out till the end. Think about the times your opponent has whiffed roll after roll and been the butt of jokes for that game. Sometimes it's just your turn ;-)
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