So, we've been contemplating a return to Morristown to wage war once again across 'god's soccer field'. One thing I was lacking in our first venture there (aside from the aforementioned lack of cover) was a lack of long ranged and/or anti-tank firepower. So this time around I'll probably bring my renegade (gun line) IG. Six lascannons and a Basilisk go a long way towards alleviating the range/anti-tank problem. Another thing that also helps is my Manticore. However it was only half assembled and always deployed with a pile of missiles next to it. I didn't want to bring it to a tourney like that, so it became this weekend's painting project.
Not one of my better paint jobs but it came out decently I suppose. Despite using microsol the decals still have a little bit of a greyed halo around them. ...shrugs... oh well. In any case, as you can see the missile rack is movable though the missiles are glued in place. I didn't see an easy way to magnetize them, so skipped that. I'll just place a D4 next to it so show how many missiles have been fired. Most times the point is moot as despite its mediocre tabletop record, the Manticore is usually target priority #1!
On another note, the Manticore is sadly an end to an era. My renegade IG's vehicles are painted in a two tone camouflage of terracotta and scorched brown. However in their infinite wisdom, GW decided to discontinue terracotta quite some time ago, and as you can see at the bottom of my last terracotta paint pot at right, I'm pretty much out of it. When it was discontinued, the FLGS marked it down to 50% off to get rid of it, and I bought ALL OF IT! Not wanting to see another army get messed up by a discontinued color like my tau (nauseating blue) and Eldar (jade green) before it. The only things i have left that would need terracotta (the infantry color scheme varies) is a seventh lascannon and the third sabre platform. I doubt there's enough in this pot though to finish them off, instead the may end up being predominantly brown.
Already there are rumors that GW is changing paint manufacturer's again. Makes me wonder what other essential color I'm about to lose next? Will the ones they keep be consistent with old ones which was an issue when they left Coat d'arms (and yes, I could reorder some discontinued colors from them, but but paint is already expensive as hell to not order it from England). That leads into the next and most obvious assumption.
What? GW is changing their paints you say? What now? Even smaller pots with yet higher prices again? Let me guess, its called 'fine paint'...
And before anyone starts recommending vallejo & P3, I dislike the dropper style pots & there is that consistency issue that I mentioned. Though as often as I slather stuff in washes and layers of dry brushing, the latter may not be a valid excuse anymore...
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