Monday, March 10, 2025

Clankers Update


Making progress.

I've been moving right along on cleaning up & expanding my CIS force. I finished up the first squad of B1s, the blue squad as marked out by the tufts on their bases. 

Rather than Tufts, the specialists have cystals on their bases, whereas the Super Tactical droid's base looks like it is in a space ship or perhaps the under hive.

Wouldn't the binoculars just be hard wired in?

I also painted up a super tactical droid as well as a the four specialist droids: the repair droid (little blue bot), the medical droid (the ugly green one in the back), a recon droid (the mini Imperial Probe droid in OD green), and lastly a T-series command droid (in silver and red). 

Wat Tambor, Foreman of the Techno Union
(and also a model without any rules...)

Also as you can see I painted the Wat Tambor above. I'll likely just use him as a proxy for another T-series command droid. While the T-Series isn't all that stout of a character, neither are political leaders when on the battlefield. 

No, I didn't take these pics on the roof of my wife's white car in the garage. Why do you ask?

I also finished up some...uh...terrain pieces:

 Now those are some serious chicken legs!

I couldn't resist these goofy looking things. I was thinking maybe make them terrain that if you come into base contact with, will make a 1-white die attack and then make an immediate half range run away in the opposite direction. Or something like that. I probably ought to get the rules down before creating terrain with rules, but what can I say? My cart always leads the horse.

1 comment:

XarfaiEngel said...

I really like the blue tufts! They work great alongside Tambor's blue robes!