Tuesday, October 10, 2023

CIS Droid Specialists


These are also not the droids you were looking for.

Thus far I've avoided the CIS due to hearing horror stories about assembling the spindly little B1 Battle Droids (the Roger Roger droids). Annnnd...while I still haven't built any of those, these guys were a real peach. The worker & recon drones were fine, even the medical droid went together alright for the most part (though I did break it while painting it), but then there is the T-Series Tactical droid. 

I spent about 2/3 of its assembly process crawling around under my desk searching for its oddly shaped parts that I kept dropping (three fucking times!) onto the grey rug under the desk (worst color, would not recommend for a hobby space). I can only imagine the potential future hell of the B1's...

Oddly, applying the decal to its computer screen was quite easy.

I bought these (actually all I wanted was the t-Series) as I was intrigued by the new Experimental Droid Battleforce for Star Wars Legion. Rather than being an army full of not-quite-as-good-as-stock prototypes, I saw them more as an option for an old, rusty, and worn out but still active droid army for some Separatist holdouts. That would at least make them a plausible opponent for either my Rebel and Empire armies. 

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